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Sunchai, what's in it ?

Updated: Jun 16, 2021

Our main ingredient is Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) also known as True Cinnamon, and has been researched and found to have the following properties: anti-microbial, anti-parasitic, anti-oxidant, anti-cholesterolemic, analgesic, blood glucose lowering and beneficial cardiovascular effects as well as boosting cognitive function, plus protective effects against natural toxins and chemical-induced toxicities and may reduce oxidative stress-induced complications, so it’s worth having in your diet. Ceylon Cinnamon is grown in Sri Lanka and southern parts of India.

The other cinnamon you may know is Cassia Cinnamon also known as Dutch/Chinese/Bakers Cinnamon, it has a stronger aroma but with a slightly bitter taste. This has also been found to have some beneficial health qualities. However we haven’t used this cinnamon as it contains high levels of coumarin. Which poses a health risk if consumed in large quantities, which most people don’t, however 1 tsp can contain more than the tolerable daily intake, so if you love your cinnamon, choose Ceylon!

Turmeric is another plant that has been studied extensively, and many health benefits have been found. The one most people are familiar with is the anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric has also been found to have the following: anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, and anti-aging properties, wound healing benefits, arthritis, neuroprotective and cardiovascular benefits. You can add black pepper to increase the potential bioavailability of turmeric, however we have chosen not to add this in our formulation as black pepper does not agree with everyone.

Cardamon has only been researched in more recent times for health benefits and potentially has anti-inflammatory properties. Cardamon has been used traditionally in Ayurvedic medicine for its warming, calmative, and circulatory stimulating effects.

Ginger is warming and helps digestion, has been study for antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, neuroprotective, cardiovascular protective, respiratory protective, anti-obesity, anti-diabetic, and anti-nausea effects.

All-spice and Cloves don’t have extensive studies to back their potential benefits of anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties yet, but I am sure as we start realising that prevention is better than cure and start understanding how many of these spices, long used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines, can benefit us, more studies will happen.

Drinking this delicious latte is not going to cure your ills, but it will in a small way contribute to your good health. By adding spices to a balanced, nutritious, whole food diet we can enhance the beneficial effects of all the goodness we consume.


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